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3. Autumn

The weather here in Austin makes it really hard to believe that thanksgiving just happened. Every day it is sunny with a high of 75 (@Relient K). This season has been so different than any Autumn of my life.

This year, Thanksgiving was unlike any other in my entire life. My grandparents, we call them Jojo & Winky, drove all the way from Elizabethtown, Kentucky and the rest of my immediate family flew into Austin! For as long as I can remember, we always have done Thanksgiving week in E-town. We were all shocked and excited when Jojo made the decision to come to Austin. Earlier this year my cousin Meighan and her husband Mike moved to South Austin so Jojo & Winky got to see the majority of their grandchildren as usual. My family landed in Austin on Saturday morning the week before Thanksgiving prepared to explore Brenna and I's new city! It was an indescribable feeling to explore and show off everything Austin has to offer in that week. We did everything from rock climbing to wineries to Magnolia Farms in Waco. They all stayed in a rental house in Bee Caves (south west of where Brenna and I live). The back porch oversaw the beautiful Texas hill country which was more than ideal to share a thanksgiving meal together viewing. The meal was pretty funny because for the first time ever, everything wasn't hand made from scratch recipes for Thanksgiving brunch. I mean I was kind of shocked my mom wouldn't just pack a fully cooked turkey in her carry-on... But seriously, shout out to Whole Foods and HEB for having some incredible pre-made sides and turkey! Of course Meighan and Brenna whipped up some awesome casseroles too! It was really special to see Brenna's family recipes and traditions intertwine with mine. Every single thing we did was more than enjoyable because it was just so sweet to have my family close again. I always knew I was really close with my family, but I never realized just how much until we moved halfway across the country. I will never forget how special and meaningful the week and Thanksgiving having my family in Austin!

In the past, my whole focus during this season was spent building sets and stage plots for Christmas Eve services but Austin Stone is different. This church is so focused on the "now" of the church body and what God is doing week to week. Last week was the first Sunday of Advent and we continued to preach out of the book of 1 Peter, where we have been preaching from ALL year. One thing I love about the Stone is their passion and love for the word of God. Never in my life have I been challenged and stretched more in my quiet time and study of the scriptures. In all honesty, I am awful at being consistent in quiet times, but this season at the Stone just continues to challenge me.

Please continue to pray for Brenna and I in this Christmas season that we would finish out this year strong. I am still in need of your financial support! The Lord has provided an incredible amount so far and we will continue to trust Him to finish it out. At this moment I am 73% of the way to my total goal. To be able to continue my residency here I need to reach 100% as soon as possible! Please pray and consider to partner monthly at any amount to invest in what God is teaching and training me in these next year and a half! If you would like more information about how to partner with me, feel free to contact me or go to donate!

Thank you SO much for taking the time to hear what is going on in our lives here in Austin! Maybe one day soon the leaves will begin to change colors and the temperature will drop below 60 to feel like Autumn hahaha :)

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